
When you pay Zakat or Kaffara,

Please write Zakat/Kaffara in the description!

Watermelon Sisters is dedicated to providing humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza, Palestine.

In alignment with Islamic principles and to ensure that our Zakat funds are utilized effectively, we have established the following Zakat policy.

The Purpose of Zakat

Zakat is a mandatory form of almsgiving in Islam, representing one of the Five Pillars of Islam. It is intended to purify wealth and support those in need.

The Zakat funds collected by Watermelon Sisters are used to provide essential humanitarian aid, including but not limited to food, water, medical care, and educational support for the people of Gaza.

Zakat Eligibility

Zakat funds are specifically designated for individuals and families in Gaza who are considered eligible under Islamic law. These include:
  • The Poor (Fuqara): Individuals and families who do not have enough resources to meet their basic needs.
  • The Needy (Masakin): Those who are in need but have slightly more resources than the poor, but still insufficient for a comfortable living.
  • The Wayfarer (Ibn al-Sabil): Travelers who are stranded and in need of financial assistance.

Zakat Fund Management

  • Collection: Zakat will be collected through various channels including online donations and direct contributions.

Transparency and Accountability

  • Record-Keeping: Detailed records of Zakat donations and expenditures will be maintained to ensure transparency.
  • Allocation: Funds will be allocated based on the priority of needs. Our team will assess and distribute zakat funds in accordance with the Islamic guidelines and the most urgent humanitarian needs.

  • Reporting: Regular reports will be provided to donors outlining the use of Zakat funds and the impact achieved. These reports will be made available upon request.

Distribution Process

  • Needs Assessment: Our team will conduct assessments to identify individuals and families in need. This may involve working with local partners and community leaders.
  • Disbursement: Funds will be distributed directly to beneficiaries or through trusted local partners to ensure efficient and effective aid delivery.

Compliance with Islamic Law

Watermelon Sisters adheres to the principles of Islamic law in all aspects of Zakat management. Our policies and practices are regularly reviewed to ensure compliance with Sharia law and ethical standards.

Contact Information

For more information about our Zakat policy, please contact us:


At Watermelon Sisters, we are committed to ensuring that Zakat funds are used in accordance with Islamic principles to provide meaningful support to the people of Gaza. We appreciate the trust and support of our donors and are dedicated to making a positive impact in the lives of those in need.

What is Kaffara?

The meaning of the Arabic word kaffara (also spelled kaffarah) is usually translated to mean “atonement” or “expiation.” 

Specifically, kaffara is a type of expiation for breaking one’s continual 30-day fast in Ramadan (via eating, drinking or sexual intercourse).

Why is Kaffara important?

Kaffara’s meaning to us as Muslims relates to personal accountability.

Muslims to set the best of intentions for acts of worship, and with this comes the responsibility to perform these acts properly. The 30-day fast of Ramadan is one of the most major acts of worship a Muslim will make in his or her year, making it crucial to perform correctly. 

Through paying kaffara (as well as fidya) for our missed fasts, Muslims work to ensure that Ramadan worship stays sound and that Muslims maximize the blessings received from it. 

How to pay Kaffara

As mentioned previously, each day of fasting missed without valid reason requires its own Kaffara payment

When you pay your Kaffara to Watermelon Sisters, we will use these funds to feed the poor. In this case, those suffering forced poverty in Palestine.

For those who wish to feed the poor for their kaffara, feeding 60 people for one day would be done at a rate of around $10 USD per person.

In this case, the calculation for one’s kaffara would look like this:

$600 x Days Missed = Total Kaffarah Payment

Kaffara is an important way for Muslims to ensure Ramadan fasting is sound.

Information from

Thank you for paying your Zakat and/or Kaffara to Watermelon Sisters so that we may help those in need.

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